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Common Questions to Ask Your Pest Control Company

Apr 12, 2022

If you've noticed that your home is experiencing pest problems, you're going to need to call an experienced pest control company. While this can be a confusing and stressful time, don't choose just any company because of that. In the spur of the moment, it might seem like the best option to go with whatever services you can find soonest.

However, you can end up causing further damage by choosing to work with just any pest control company. To keep yourself and your home safe, there are a few questions you should ask before you hire pest exterminators and questions you should ask before they begin working on your home. Let's dive into some of the questions you'll want to ask before you even hire a pest control company.

How Long Have You Been in Business?

While this isn't necessarily a make-or-break question, it's a great question to start with if the company's website doesn't say how long they've been in business. It can be good to know how much experience a team has under their belt. If you're working with a team that's only just begun taking jobs, you may have doubts about their expertise. If your pest problem is extreme and you need a team that understands the complexities and has evidence of previous success, it may be smarter for you to err on the side of caution and work with a more experienced team. The decision is yours to make, but knowing how long a company has been in business is a great starting point for deciding who to work with.

Do You Have Any Reviews or Testimonials to Show?

This is another question that may be answered on their website. However, should it not be, it's definitely worth asking about. Not only should you be curious why they aren't advertising their past projects, but you're going to want to know how successful they were in the past. Are their previous customers satisfied with the work they've done? If not, why? These are things you'll want to know before you let a team into your home.

Do You Provide Quotes and How Accurate Are They?

Another way you can protect yourself a bit is by asking if the
pest control company will provide an estimate beforehand. It's also worth asking if they'll stick by their quote or not. While an estimate is just that -- an estimate -- it's worth asking how much that could vary and what it may be based on. This way, you'll know upfront approximately how much you'll be paying for this service. According to Consumer Affairs, on average, a homeowner with termites spends $3,000 to repair the damage. This information will be helpful to know prior to beginning work on your home.

Are You Licensed, Bonded, and Insured?

Before you hire a pest control company, there's at least one more question you should ask. Knowing if a team is licensed, bonded, and insured is a crucial way you can protect yourself from shady contractors. If the team you're thinking about working with cannot answer yes to this question, do not choose to hire them. Whenever you work with a professional service, they should have all the necessary certifications ready and available to show you. If not, they likely shouldn't be trusted.

Once you've decided the company is reputable and experienced, there are still a few more things you'll want to know before they get started ridding your home of pests. For example, questions that pertain to the exterminator's competence over your specific situation will be important. Let's dive into a few examples of what you can ask your pest control company after they've been hired but before they start working on your home.

What Kind of Pests Are Infesting my Home?

The following questions may seem a bit redundant, but they are important for both your understanding and the exterminators. Make sure you both know what pests are roaming free in your home before they start treating for something else. This will also help you in the future to know what issues your home may be prone to and what can be done about it. Making sure you and the workers are both on the same page will help to eliminate any problems later on.

How Serious Is the Issue? How Long Have They Been There?

This kind of information could be covered when you ask for an estimate. However, should it not be mentioned, this is a question worth asking before they begin working. Not only will you need to logistically know how to prepare your home for the areas where the pest extermination will take place, but you'll want to know the extent of the issue before you pay for the remedy.

Asking this question will also ensure that the company looks further than just what the eye can see. If you have an obvious pest problem, the exterminators may think the situation is isolated. By asking about how serious the issue is, this may prompt the team to do a more thorough investigation of your home and ensure there are not multiple instances of pest infestation.

Not only will you want to know the full extent of your infestation, but you'll also want to know some follow-up details. For example, how long have they been there? How did they manage to get in? Knowing these things will help to protect you in the future. While it won't change the here and now, it can be beneficial should you decide to take preventative measures to ensure this issue doesn't happen again.

How Long Will It Take to Get Rid of Them?

Once you've covered the extent of the issue and are aware of how it happened, questions about moving forward are officially on the table. First and foremost, how long is this going to take? This information may be covered if you asked for an estimate. If you didn't, knowing this will be helpful so you can make any other necessary accommodations while the work takes place.

What Treatments Are Needed? Are They Safe for Pets?

Lastly, you'll want to be sure to ask questions about the actual treatments. What exactly is included in their pest control services? How does the house need to be prepared so services can begin? If you have pets, knowing what chemicals they use will be important, too.

Treatments are usually designed to kill pests while being safe for people and most pets. That said, it'll be important to confirm so you can prepare if the answer is that they are not pet-friendly. It may also be worth asking if these treatments will rid pests of your home permanently or if repeated services will be necessary. If so, what preventative measures will need to be put in place?

All of these questions will help to keep you, your family, and your home safe from a negligent pest control company. By remembering to ask these questions, you can rest easy knowing you did your due diligence and likely hired a team that will perform expert services for you.

However, should you still be doubtful of a team's potential after asking all these questions, contact the experts you can rely on for safe, quality services here at Mares Exterminating. Our professionals will be more than happy to walk you through the situation as well as inform you of our procedures and credentials, answering any questions you may have along the way. When it comes to choosing a pest control company, be sure to pay attention to how they answer these various questions.

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