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8 Ways to Spot Termite Destruction

Aug 30, 2024

Termites are known as "silent destroyers" because they can cause significant damage to your home without you even realizing it. These wood-eating insects thrive in dark, hidden areas, gradually eroding the structural integrity of your property. According to Onedesk, termites damage nearly 600,000 homes annually in the U.S. alone, leading to costly repairs and significant stress for homeowners. Identifying the signs of termite destruction early is essential to protecting your home. The sooner you spot the signs of termite activity, the better your chances of preventing severe destruction. Here are eight ways to identify termite damage and protect your home before the problem escalates.


1. Hollow-Sounding Wood


One of the most common indicators of termite destruction is wood that sounds hollow when tapped. Termites feed on wood from the inside out, leaving behind an outer shell that may appear intact. However, beneath the surface, the internal structure is compromised. If you knock on walls, floorboards, or other wooden fixtures in your home and hear a hollow sound, termites may have been feasting on the wood.


This symptom is particularly dangerous because it means the damage has likely progressed significantly. Immediate action is required to prevent further deterioration. If you encounter this issue, it's time to call for professional pest extermination. Hiring a professional service can help assess the situation and remove the infestation before your home sustains more damage.


2. Discarded Wings


Termites have a reproductive caste known as swarmers. These termites leave their colonies to establish new ones, often appearing in spring or after rain. Once they find a suitable spot, they shed their wings and begin their work of creating a new colony. Finding small, translucent wings around window sills, doorways, or floors is a red flag that termites are either present or nearby.


The presence of discarded wings indicates that a termite colony may be taking hold within your home or in the surrounding area. This early sign is critical for calling in pest control experts who can intervene before the infestation grows.


3. Mud Tubes


Subterranean termites, the most common type in the United States, build mud tubes to travel between their nests and food sources. These pencil-sized tunnels are typically found on exterior walls, foundations, or crawl spaces. Mud tubes protect termites from predators and keep them hydrated as they journey between the ground and the wood they consume.


These tubes are a sure sign of termite activity. They may look like harmless dirt or debris at first glance, but they are evidence that termites are already infiltrating your home. It's essential to contact a pest control service right away to inspect your property and remove the termites.


4. Bubbling or Peeling Paint


Another telltale sign of termite destruction is bubbling or peeling paint. As termites feed on the wood behind walls or beneath paint layers, they introduce moisture, which can cause the paint to blister or bubble. This effect is often mistaken for water damage, but it's essential to investigate further.


If your home’s paint begins to peel or bubble without an obvious water source, termites could be the culprits. Ignoring this sign could lead to extensive structural damage. Call a termite extermination expert to assess the situation and treat any potential infestations. Acting swiftly can prevent costly repairs down the line.


5. Frass


Drywood termites, unlike their subterranean counterparts, do not rely on soil to survive. Instead, they infest the wood they consume, including furniture, walls, and structural beams. As drywood termites eat their way through the wood, they create waste pellets, known as frass, which are often left behind near the infested area.


Frass looks like small grains of sand or sawdust and is usually found near doors, windows, or wooden furniture. If you spot these tiny piles of droppings, drywood termites have likely established a colony inside your home. This is another clear sign that you need pest extermination services to eliminate the infestation and prevent further damage.


6. Tight-Fitting Doors and Windows


Termites can cause your home’s wood to warp as they hollow it out. This warping can lead to tight-fitting doors and windows that become difficult to open or close. The expansion of the wood due to termite damage or the introduction of moisture can affect how doors and windows function.


If you notice that your doors or windows suddenly start sticking or won’t close properly, this could indicate termite activity. It’s important not to overlook this sign, as it means that termites are already inside the structural framework of your home. Contact a local service near you to investigate and address the issue before the damage worsens.


7. Sagging Floors and Ceilings


Severe termite infestations can cause your floors and ceilings to sag. As termites devour the wood, the structural support that holds up your home becomes weakened. Over time, this can cause floorboards to sink or ceilings to dip, signaling a serious compromise in the integrity of the building.


Sagging floors and ceilings are some of the most dangerous signs of termite destruction. If you notice these changes, it’s crucial to act immediately. Delaying pest extermination can result in even more significant damage and expensive repairs. An expert pest extermination service offers prompt and effective solutions to termite infestations, helping to restore the safety and security of your home.


Termite infestations are insidious and can cause extensive damage to your home before you even realize there’s a problem. These pests eat through wood silently, often leaving only subtle clues of their presence until the damage becomes significant. Once you begin to notice any of these seven signs of termite destruction—whether it’s hollow-sounding wood, discarded wings, mud tubes, or sagging floors—it’s vital to act quickly.


8. Clicking Sounds from the Walls


An unusual yet revealing sign of a termite infestation is hearing faint clicking or rustling sounds coming from your walls. Termites are surprisingly noisy eaters, and if you listen closely, you might hear the sounds of worker termites chewing through wood or soldier termites tapping their heads against the wood to signal danger to the colony.


These subtle sounds are often more noticeable in quiet environments and can indicate that termites are actively feeding inside your walls. If you detect these strange noises, it's essential to contact a pest extermination professional immediately. Ignoring the sounds could allow termites to continue their destruction unchecked. With the help of a professional termite extermination service, you can ensure that these pests are removed before further damage occurs.


Attempting DIY solutions for termite extermination may seem like a cost-effective approach, but termites are persistent and difficult to eradicate. In most cases, DIY methods are not thorough enough to eliminate the entire colony, and the infestation can continue to spread undetected. For this reason, professional pest extermination is always recommended when dealing with termites. If you’ve identified any signs of termite activity in your home, it’s crucial to take immediate action to prevent further damage. Termites are relentless, and the longer you wait, the more destruction they can cause to the structure of your property. Protecting your investment starts with hiring experienced professionals who can handle the job efficiently.


At Mares Exterminating, we specialize in termite control and
pest extermination services. Our team of experts is trained to identify, treat, and prevent termite infestations, safeguarding your home from future damage. Don’t wait until it’s too late—contact us today to schedule an inspection and ensure that your home remains termite-free. Your home’s structural integrity is at stake, and we’re here to help you protect it.

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