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4 Reasons to Call Pest Control at the First Sign of Rodents

May 03, 2022

Regardless of whether you might think some rodents — like hamsters or guinea pigs — are cute, having free-roaming, wild rodents in your home is not an appealing prospect. Like any pest, rodents such as mice and rats can cause a number of problems in your home. Seeing a mouse might seem like a common enough occurrence that you might not consider calling for pest control right away. However, here are four major reasons not to delay your call to the exterminator.

Structural Damage

Often, people associate rat and mice infestations with a lack of cleanliness. Admitting that you have seen a mouse or noticed signs of their presence might make you feel like your home is, somehow, unclean. Although disorganized homes offer more opportunities for rodents to hide, these pests will use any home — new or old, clean or dirty — to set up their own abodes.

Rodents are small — usually — and look for safety and security by burrowing and nesting. Their goal is to create a warm and cozy environment for themselves and their extended families. This means that they will chew, gnaw, and scratch their way through even the thickest materials if it will give them access to their destination. This is especially true when they can use these materials to build up their nests.

Given the natural instincts of rodents, they are likely to cause damage to aspects of your home such as walls, molding, wooden studs, cabinets, carpeting, insulation, and more. Mice and rats aren't invincible, so they won't be using their teeth or claws to get through things like your home's cement foundation, but they can fit through small openings and absolutely have the fortitude to make even the smallest gap or crack even bigger.

The key thing to note when it comes to rodents is their ability to wreak havoc anywhere. Something that seems minor can become a major issue when it's exacerbated by mice or rats. If left to their own devices for too long, a rogue rodent can quickly become a full-fledged infestation. Keep your home safe and sound by calling an exterminator for pest control right away.


You've probably heard of fire ants, but fire rodents? Probably not. The good news is, there's no such thing as a fire rodent. There is, however, a very real cause for concern when it comes to rodents and their potential to start fires. Although mice and rats are not malicious arsonists, their ability to destroy homes makes them a statistically significant fire hazard. In fact, data from the National Association of Fire Investigators suggests that up to 20% of fires with "undetermined" causes were the result of rodent activity.

As we've already established, rodents like to chew. They especially like to chomp their way through things obstructing their path, no matter how hard, tough, or dangerous. This means that plenty of mice have chewed through electrical wires, and plenty more will continue to do so. Electrical wiring and equipment are installed and maintained by professionals with strict guidelines for safety because they are dangerous. When rodents chew through wires and any coatings, they are creating an opportunity for a fire to start. In addition to the risks of exposed and frayed wiring, rodents increase the likelihood of fire because of their nesting habits. Their collection of materials like carpet, paper, and insulation is an excellent example of kindling.

Of all the possible damage rodents can cause in your home, fire is the most dangerous. While structural damages and illness are still significant concerns, fire has the potential to destroy your entire home very quickly. Keep your home and family safe by calling for pest control service at the first sign of rodents.


Once again, many people associate rat and mice problems with unsanitary conditions. This association exists for a reason. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has many resources regarding diseases that are both directly and indirectly transmitted by rodents. The list of illnesses you can contract directly from rodents includes Plague, Leptosporosis, Salmonellosis, Hanta Virus, and Hemorrahgic Fever. Having rats and mice in your home is a very real health hazard for your family and any domesticated animals you have in the house. Should anyone come into direct contact with a rodent carrying any of these diseases, the health ramifications can be deadly.

Even if you never come face to face with one of the rodents calling your house home, sharing your space comes with its own risks. Rats and mice can indirectly transmit even more illnesses and diseases to you with the assistance of other common pests like mosquitos and ticks. Some examples of these indirectly transmitted diseases are Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Encephalitus, and Typhus. This type of transfer can occur in a number of ways, but it's important to note that it can happen through pets. If your house cat or family dog comes across rodent secretions or catches mice for you, they may be the bridge between the rodents' disease and you.

Prevent anyone — including pets — in your home from contracting one of these potentially deadly diseases by eliminating rodents as a threat. Pest extermination should not wait, especially when it comes to rodents like mice and rats.

Other Critters

Rats and mice can be the paths other pests use to travel into your home. This can be literal, as ticks and parasites may physically hitch a ride. However, it is also likely that the entry points rodents have used to access your home have left your house vulnerable to invasion by other pests. If a mouse, rat, or even a squirrel has gotten into your home, the opening is definitely big enough for bugs. With a new, easy form of access to the inside of your house, ants, wasps, spiders, and other creepy-crawly critters can make themselves at home.

Additionally, a population of rodents may draw the attention of their predators. Although owls, snakes, weasels, stray cats, and even dogs may not be able to get into your home, they will certainly start to spend more time prowling around your property. Although this may not seem like a big deal, it can, at the very least, become a nuisance as you notice increased animal activity through the sights, sounds, and smells they leave behind.

A recent survey by ConsumerAffairs found that homeowners reported bugs like ants, roaches, and spiders to be the most concerning pests to find in their homes. Although infestations of any kind are problematic and, frankly, gross, it's important to understand that rodents should not be left out of the conversation. Calling pest control is always your best option if you've seen insects or rodents inside of your home. Your local pest control company will be able to assess the issue and determine how significant the problem is. In many cases, your proactive call can prevent the need for extensive extermination services.

If you've seen or heard a rodent in your home, don't wait. Call us today to have a pest control technician survey your property and determine the best way to eliminate the issue and prevent future damage and risk.

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