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4 Ways to Protect Your Home From an Ant Invasion

May 12, 2024

Everyone should have a reliable pest extermination service to keep their homes sanitary and safe. A good pest extermination service can help to keep pests out of your home. Ant home invasions are common. According to ConsumerAffairs, ants are among the most concerning pests plaguing homeowners; roaches and spiders are a close second and third.

Why Pest Control Is Important

Ant control is essential. An ant invasion can contaminate food, but that is not the only threat an ant invasion poses. Certain species of ants are known to carry diseases. Ants can also cause property damage to your insulation and more.

Oddly enough, an ant problem can lead to other pest problems. For example, carpenter ants may tunnel through wooden structures, creating openings that allow termites or other wood-destroying pests to enter and infest your home. Once the ants have a way in and take up residence, they can invite other pests to do the same thing. Ants can release pheromones that other insects can be attracted to.

Different species of ants pose different risks. For example, carpenter ants will do quick work of chewing through the wood in your home. Some ants sting. Fire ants can sting and cause painful blisters. Some people are allergic to ant bites and require medical attention to treat them. There is no room for ants in a home. Here are four ways you can prevent an ant invasion.

1. Hire a Professional

The best way to control an ant invasion is to hire a professional pest extermination service. A professional should always apply pesticides designed to rid your home of ants. The right pest extermination service will ensure that the treatment used is safe for your pets and children and toxic to ants.

Most over-the-counter remedies you can buy are ineffective long-term solutions. You will find that you must constantly spend money buying more ant-killing solutions because the results are only temporary. Of course, there is also a health risk in using these chemicals if you are not well-versed in their use. The ants will come back. Ant control is a multi-layer process that requires professional planning.

A professional assesses the situation to devise an actionable plan to eliminate the ants for good. A professional pest extermination service looks for the root cause of the problem. The pest control professional will make suggestions to address the root instead of just treating the problem. Once the problem is solved, the extermination service can manage upkeep to ensure the infestation doesn't return.

2. Seal Entry Points

Ants will use the smallest gaps to enter your home. Sealing entry points around windows, doors, and piping can help to reduce the risk of an ant invasion. A quick inspection of your property can reveal how the ants are getting in. A good pest extermination service will be able to check around your home.

Sealing off entry points will significantly reduce the risk of an ant problem. Ants can get into very small spaces. You may even overlook some areas where ants get in, but you should take the extra time to try to find every nook and cranny. Screen damage is a favorite spot for ants to climb through. Repair screen damage and ensure that windows and doors are tightly sealed. Use caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows to close off gaps and close off your home to an ant invasion.

Any gaps or cracks in the foundation should also be sealed off. Ants are opportunists and so are other pests. They will march right through a small crack in your foundation, and they will also use gaps around vent pipes, chimneys, and other areas to enter your home and take up residence. Check around utility lines for any gaps and use the proper materials to seal off the gaps. Eliminating entry points is a process, but it is a process that must be done if you want to get rid of your ant problem.

3. Keep Things Tidy

Ants, like all pests, are looking for food, water, and shelter. Keeping your home clean can help dissuade ants from making your home their home. Clean up crumbs and spills quickly to keep ants and other pests out of your home. Sweep and vacuum regularly to remove small debris from floors and ensure that counters are wiped down regularly.

You may have to pick up pet food and water before heading to bed if you have an ant problem. You don't want to leave anything out that will make life easier for pests. Lifting food and water bowls off the floor will reduce food and water access for pests.

In the areas outside your home, keep your plants and grass trimmed. Keeping grass, bushes, and other vegetation trimmed will remove an easy access path for ants and other unwelcome pests. Trim back any branches that are touching your home or your roof. Ants and other pests will use branches to climb into your house and easily take up residence.

Eliminate moisture problems around your home because ants are attracted to moisture. Small leaks can equate to a big attraction for ants who are thirsty. Fix leaky hoses and pipes and address other sources of leaks. Ensure that gutters and downspouts are cleaned out regularly so that water flows freely away from your foundation. This can help to eliminate moisture build-up that attracts ants.

4. Store Food Properly

Cutting off the food supply for ants and other pests is essential in eliminating all types of pests. If you want to avoid an ant problem, invest in food storage containers. Try transferring your food from manufactured packaging into a sealed container to prevent ants and other pests from getting into your produce. It's worth it! Securely storing your food will keep your food safe even if ants do get into your refrigerator or pantry.

Using food storage containers also helps to keep your pantry organized. It is an added step after the groceries arrive, but it is a necessary step. Likewise, don't leave any foodstuff out overnight unprotected.

Ants will climb into any open box or bag with food in it. Even if it is not something that they normally consume, they will still climb in with the potential to make a nest in your food. As awful as that sounds, it is a real risk.

It is not just ants that enjoy a good meal of your food. Roaches are attracted to the food in the box and enjoy eating boxes as well. Protecting your food is an essential step in getting rid of pests. Using storage containers for your food is the safer way to store your ingredients and keep your food pest-free.

Avoiding an ant invasion on your own can be tough. Collaborating with a professional
pest extermination service can make the process much easier. Getting professional input about your pest problem, whether an ant invasion or another type of pest, provides you with the information you need to battle the problem. Being proactive against a pest problem is the best way to reduce risks.

Pest problems cost Americans thousands of dollars in damage every year. You can avoid the risk of damage and costs by working with a professional pest extermination service. Don't take on pests on your own. Call Mares Exterminating today to learn how you can be done with ants and other pests in your home.

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