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8 Diseases That Can Come From Pests

Jun 24, 2024

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of pests in and around your home, like mosquitoes, ticks, and mice. If you do, it’s time to call the best pest extermination team immediately! You can’t let these pests potentially infest your home. After all, according to OneDesk, more than 17% of all diseases are vector-borne, meaning transmitted by pests. If you don’t take this problem seriously, you could invite the following diseases into your home.

1. Malaria

By far the most commonly spread insect disease, malaria is dangerous. Spread by mosquitoes to around 250 million people a year, malaria causes about 2 million deaths a year, according to the Smithsonian Institute. Rare in America, malaria outbreaks can occur when you travel overseas, bring it home, or get bit by a mosquito.

Sure, the risk of malaria isn’t that big in the US, but why put yourself in any danger? Getting rid of mosquitoes can protect you and your family from this disease. Mosquito sprays, bubblers in ponds and lakes, and even nets can keep you somewhat protected. Talk to your favorite pest extermination team to learn more about your treatment options. There are many available.

2. Plague

It's hard to think about. Wasn’t the plague wiped out many years ago? Not exactly. The plague still exists in many parts of the world. Thankfully, treatment can minimize its severity and keep people from dying, but that doesn’t mean it’s pleasant. Plague outbreaks can even happen in America thanks to the fleas that hitch a ride on the backs of mice and rats.

According to the Smithsonian Institute, there are about 5,000 new cases of plague every year, meaning your risk is low. Like with malaria, the plague remains serious enough that you don’t want to catch it. Thankfully, getting rid of rats with a pest extermination crew should make your risk as low as possible and reduce your danger.

3. Lyme Disease

If you live anywhere near forests or heavily wooded areas, you’ve probably heard all about Lyme disease from your local wildlife management team. Caused by a bacterium spread by ticks, it can cause fevers, headaches, fatigue, joint stiffness, rashes, pain throughout the body, irregular heartbeats, and swelling throughout your body. It’s something you need to avoid as much as possible, typically by killing ticks as soon as possible.

Ticks trigger nearly every case of Lyme disease, so getting rid of them can keep you safe. Simple steps you can use to manage ticks include mowing your lawn regularly, trimming your tree branches, and letting animals like possums hang out in your yard. However, pest extermination teams can also help by spraying your yard to get rid of ticks on a professional level.

4. Sleeping Sickness

Like with other international diseases, sleeping sickness is rare in America, but it can make its way over here. Let’s say a friend of yours travels to Africa, comes back with it, and is bitten by a mosquito that spreads it to you. As always, getting rid of mosquitoes in your yard can increase your safety, so call a pest exterminator soon. There’s no reason to put yourself in any danger.

5. American Trypanosomiasis

So here’s the thing about sleeping sickness: there are variations. For example, American trypanosomiasis, or Chagas disease, is caused by a protozoan that can spread quickly by conenose bugs, also known as kissing bugs. As these bugs feed on your blood at night while you sleep, they may defecate on you and spread Chagas disease.

When infected with Chagas disease, you’ll experience symptoms like muscle damage in the digestive tract and heart, as well as skeletal muscles. As these protozoa spread, your symptoms will worsen and could potentially damage your body permanently. Get rid of conenose bugs immediately! A pest extermination team can identify the best spraying techniques to keep you and your yard safe.

6. Typhoid Fever

Here’s another disease you probably don’t think happens in America anymore. Fortunately, it’s rather under control here, but it still spreads occasionally. Typically, it's most common in people traveling abroad. Outbreaks like these can trigger major typhoid fever outbreaks throughout America, typically through mosquitoes and other insects that come in contact with blood.

While it’s pretty rare, typhoid fever is problematic enough to make pest control important. Mosquitoes, ticks, and other parasites must be eliminated in your yard to protect yourself from this condition. Spraying your yard regularly, typically during the egg-laying seasons in early spring, can ensure that you and your family are protected from typhoid fever outbreaks.

7. Allergic Reactions and Asthma Outbreaks

Raise your hand if you hate cockroaches. You're not alone! It’s hard to imagine anyone who doesn’t actively loathe roaches, let alone like them. They get into your food, spread quickly, and can even eat your flesh if they get hungry enough. Even worse, they can trigger allergic and asthmatic reactions through skin flakes and fecal matter that may be very dangerous.

However, roaches aren’t the only pests that can cause these issues: ants, termites, mice, bed bugs, spiders, and more can invade your house and can make your asthma or allergies worse. They do this by carrying allergens on their bodies and spreading them around your home. That’s a scary situation and one you simply can’t tolerate. Pest extermination teams can eliminate these vermin in your house and yard and keep you as safe as possible from these issues.

8. Hantavirus

One of the silent diseases in rodents is hantavirus. Rodents are considered to be asymptomatic which means that you can't tell if they have the virus or not. The only way you can tell is once you have gotten the virus yourself or a blood test is done on a rodent. The reason that this is something to avoid is that hantaviruses, or orthohantaviruses, often lead to additional diseases. What may start as flu-like symptoms can quickly develop into issues with your heart or your kidneys. According to the CDC, these issues come directly from interactions with wild rodents and don't spread from person to person.

Our services cover taking care of rodent infestations that have taken over your home or are just starting. The thing is, you have to be very careful when it comes to rodents. They don't just spread diseases such as hantavirus. They are also going to spread other diseases and general bacteria all over the place. You may try to keep your home clean, but if you have rodents, that is going to be extremely difficult. This is why it is wise to call in a pest extermination team as soon as possible.

Thankfully, pest control teams can use things like traps, sprays, and exclusion techniques to get rid of these frustrating and dangerous pests. This will be an investment and the benefits are too high to ignore, especially if you have young children in your home: keeping them safe is essential!

Working with a
pest extermination team can help reduce your danger of catching these diseases and keep your home comfortable. These are just some of the problems you might experience. Others include health dangers to your pets such as allergic reactions, hair loss, and even seizures. Make sure you call Mares Exterminating today to avoid these problems. Our team will sit down with you, come up with a treatment plan, and take care of the pests invading your home.

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