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The Harmful Effects of Common Pests

Nov 10, 2022

No one wants their home to be invaded by pests. Not only are they gross, but they can also carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans. The most frequent and concerning invaders are ants, according to Consumer Affairs. The same survey named roaches and spiders as the next most common pests after ants.

If you see any of the following pests in your home, it's important to go down your list of available exterminators right away. Let's review why you should be concerned when you see these in your home.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny insects that generally like to live in warm, dark places. They are particularly fond of living among human beings. These critters have been around for centuries, and they have been a problem since the insecticides of the 1940s made them much less visible. You can get bed bugs by staying in a hotel or another public place that is infested with them or by coming into contact with someone who has them.

These bugs can cause red, itchy welts on your skin and are very difficult to get rid of once they have infested your home. They love to bite at night while you are sleeping, which is why they are so difficult to spot.

If you see tiny black or red spots on your sheets, you may have bed bugs. There are a couple of ways to get rid of them. Your safest, most efficient option will always be to enlist professional help. If you think you have bed bugs, exterminators are your best resource to rid your home of them.


Cockroaches are one of the most common insect pests in the world. They are known to damage property as well as pose a health risk to humans. Cockroaches are known to scatter their droppings everywhere, including on kitchen tiles. If you see black or brown droppings on your kitchen floor, you may have a cockroach infestation. You might be able to get rid of them yourself, but you'd have to be very thorough.

Finding a few roaches means that there are probably thousands more you have yet to discover. Roach eggs are spread widely, and an infestation can easily get out of control if left untreated. Cockroach infestations are especially dangerous for people with allergies and asthma.

In addition, roaches are known to carry various diseases. They are often hosts for bacteria and viruses that can lead to foodborne illnesses. If you see cockroaches in your home, call the exterminators as soon as possible. This is especially true if you have small children living in your home.


Fleas are parasites that feed on blood. If you see fleas in your home, there are likely thousands more that you don't see. Flea infestations can be very dangerous for pets. They're also known to spread diseases to humans. Their larvae are known to cause food poisoning as well. If you have pets but no fleas, you're in luck.

If you have fleas, you don't even have to see one to know that you have a problem. Flea eggs are smaller than a grain of sand. They can be spread easily, and it's very hard to get rid of all of them on your own. However, your local exterminator will be able to get the job done quickly.

Mice and Rats

Both mice and rats are known to cause property damage. They also spread a lot of bacteria and are known to carry diseases such as the plague. If you see droppings or hear squeaking in your home, you may have mice or rats. You can try to trap them yourself, but you may have a more serious infestation than you realize.

If you see droppings in multiple areas of your home, it indicates that you have a mouse problem. The droppings resemble black rice. Mice and rats are also known to urinate everywhere. This can lead to the spread of disease, especially when they do so around your food.

Mice and rats can get into almost any building. They have strong sharp teeth that can gnaw through most materials. For this type of vermin, exterminators are the best option to get rid of them. A trap is handy if you are certain only one got in from outside. However, it is better to be safe than sorry before an infestation gets out of control.


Although most spiders are harmless, a few species are dangerous to humans. If you see a large spider indoors, it's probably an exotic species. Exotic spiders have become more common in recent years. If you see one or more large spiders in your home, you should call an exterminator.

Spiders will almost always bite when they feel threatened. Although exotic spiders are unlikely to bite humans, they may have dangerous venom. If you have a dangerous spider infestation, an exterminator will be necessary.

The most dangerous spider is the black widow. These spiders can be found all over the world. They are small, but their venom is very potent. A black widow bite can be deadly if not treated immediately.


Ants are more of a nuisance than anything else. There are likely thousands that you don't see, so it can be hard to get rid of them with standard household ant spray. Ants can be very difficult to get rid of because they travel in large colonies.

The best way to get rid of ants is to call an exterminator. Exterminators will be able to get rid of the entire colony. If you only kill a few ants, the colony will simply send out more.

How To Prevent Infestations

While pests can get into your home by accident, there are a few things you can do to prevent them from coming in. Inspect the outside of your home for cracks and holes. These are entry points for pests.

You should also keep your home clean and free of food crumbs. Vacuum regularly and mop your floors. Pests are attracted to food, so the less food you have lying around, the less likely they are to come in.

If you live in an area with a lot of pests, you may want to invest in screens for your windows and doors. Screens will keep pests out while still allowing fresh air in. You should also check your screens regularly for holes.

Exterminators Can Get Rid of Infestations Quickly

Even if you only see one or two pests in your home, it's a sign that you may have an infestation problem. Trying to tackle the problem yourself may lead to more damage, and it could take a very long time to get rid of the bugs or mice. By calling exterminators, you'll have them cleared out in no time. In addition, an exterminator will be able to tell you how to prevent them from coming back.

If you're dealing with pests in your home, don't wait. Contact our team at Mares Exterminating as soon as you see any of these pests in your home. We will do our best to efficiently and effectively rid your home of these vermin.

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