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Top Tips to Keep Pests Out of Your Home

Top Tips to Keep Pests Out of Your Home

Pest infestation is every homeowner's nightmare. Pests like cockroaches, termites, rats, and mosquitoes are infamous for destroying property and spreading diseases. According to the World Health Organization, the mosquito spreads more diseases than other insects and is responsible for millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of illnesses every year. Pest extermination is important in keeping property safe and illnesses at bay. The following are top tips to keep pests out of your home.

1. Dispose Trash and Litter Properly

Household trash and litter tend to attract pests like cockroaches and rodents. Properly dispose of your trash and litter in trash cans with tight-fitting lids to prevent them from attracting pests. It would also help clean the trash cans regularly to remove spills and other particles that pests can feed. Also, keep your compound clean of any debris or litter that pests can inhabit.

2. Keep Food in Sealed Containers

Apart from trash and litter, food also tends to attract pests that have a good sense of smell, like rats and houseflies. Store food like cereals in sealed containers or bags. It would also help to clean your pantry and kitchen of any food droplets. Storing food in sealed containers and cleaning residues will prevent attracting pests in your pantry or kitchen.

3. Seal Cracks and Gaps

Even if you keep your doors and windows locked at all times, pests can infest your home through tiny cracks and gaps. Inspect the exterior of your home and roofing for any cracks or gaps that can act as access points for pests. Seal cracks and gaps with mortar, copper mesh, or sheet metal. Don't use materials that pests can chew, like caulk.

4. Clean Your Home Regularly

Regular home cleaning is imperative to prevent pests from infesting your home. Routine vacuuming, mopping, and other cleaning chores will disrupt pests from inhabiting your home. Cleaning will also help remove any food particles or other debris that might attract pests.

5. Hire Pest Extermination Contractors

If your home is already infested by a large population of pests that you cannot easily get rid of, hiring pest extermination contractors is the best course of action to take. Professionals will exterminate rodents, termites, mosquitoes, and other pests in your home.

Don't let your home be a safe haven for pests. Follow these tips to make your home pest-free. Contact a pest extermination expert if you need help eliminating pests from your home.